class: middle, center $$ \global\def\myx#1{{\color{green}\mathbf{x}\_{#1}}} $$ $$ \global\def\mys#1{{\color{green}\mathbf{s}\_{#1}}} $$ $$ \global\def\myz#1{{\color{brown}\mathbf{z}\_{#1}}} $$ $$ \global\def\myhnmf#1{{\color{brown}\mathbf{h}\_{#1}}} $$ $$ \global\def\myztilde#1{{\color{brown}\tilde{\mathbf{z}}\_{#1}}} $$ $$ \global\def\myu#1{\mathbf{u}\_{#1}} $$ $$ \global\def\mya#1{\mathbf{a}\_{#1}} $$ $$ \global\def\myv#1{\mathbf{v}\_{#1}} $$ $$ \global\def\mythetaz{\theta\_\myz{}} $$ $$ \global\def\mythetax{\theta\_\myx{}} $$ $$ \global\def\mythetas{\theta\_\mys{}} $$ $$ \global\def\mythetaa{\theta\_\mya{}} $$ $$ \global\def\bs#1{{\boldsymbol{#1}}} $$ $$ \global\def\diag{\text{diag}} $$ $$ \global\def\mbf{\mathbf} $$ $$ \global\def\myh#1{{\color{purple}\mbf{h}\_{#1}}} $$ $$ \global\def\myhfw#1{{\color{purple}\overrightarrow{\mbf{h}}\_{#1}}} $$ $$ \global\def\myhbw#1{{\color{purple}\overleftarrow{\mbf{h}}\_{#1}}} $$ $$ \global\def\myg#1{{\color{purple}\mbf{g}\_{#1}}} $$ $$ \global\def\mygfw#1{{\color{purple}\overrightarrow{\mbf{g}}\_{#1}}} $$ $$ \global\def\mygbw#1{{\color{purple}\overleftarrow{\mbf{g}}\_{#1}}} $$ $$ \global\def\neq{\mathrel{\char`≠}} $$ # Speech production and modeling .vspace[ ] .center[Simon Leglaive] .vspace[ ][CentraleSupélec] --- class: middle ## Today - Speech production mechanisms - Characteristics of speech signals --- class: middle, center # Speech production --- class: middle ## Speech signal .width-100[![](images/dont_ask_me.png)][Can you guess to what “speech sound” each bloc corresponds?] --- class: middle ## Phonemes .alert-g[Elementary speech sounds are called phonemes.] .grid[ .kol-2-5[ - 44 phonemes in English. - 10-15 phonemes per second in normal English speech. - We are going to see what are the key differences in the production of the different phonemes. ] .kol-3-5[ .width-100[![](images/Phonemic-Chart.jpg)] ] ] .credit[Image credit:] --- class: middle ## Speech production – the global view .grid[ .kol-1-2[ - The energy comes from air expelled from the **lungs**. - At the **larynx**, this airflow passes between the **vocal folds**. - Then it goes through the **vocal tract**, which is made of **three cavities**: 1. the pharynx 2. the oral cavity 3. the nasal cavity - Finally, sound goes out of the mouth and nose openings. ] .kol-1-2[ .width-90[![](images/Speech-Organs-Diagram.jpg)] ] ] --- class: middle ## Articulators We consider as articulator any **mobile part of the vocal tract on which we can act voluntarily** and which is **used in the production of speech sounds**. .center[
] .caption[Real-time MRI scan of a person talking.][What are the three main speech articulators?] --- class: middle .grid[ .kol-1-2[ **Tongue** - Very mobile and flexible - Very important for phonation **Jaw** - Little degrees of freedoms and rigid - Less important for phonation ] .kol-1-2[ **Lips** - Very mobile and flexible - Important movements for phonation: - occlusion - protrusion - raising and lowering - stretching, raising and lowering of lip corners ] ] --- class: middle ## Speech sound sources We distinguish 3 types of **sound sources**, which can be **combined** or **occur individually**: - **Quasi-periodic source** resulting from the vibration of the **vocal folds**. We say that the sound is **voiced**. It can be **arbitrarily long** (in the limits of an exhalation). - **Fricative noise source** produced by a **turbulent airflow** with a **constriction** in the vocal tract. It can also be **arbitrarily long**. - **Plosive noise source** produced by quick **occlusions** of the vocal tract and generating an **acoustic impulse**. Here the **duration is short**. --- class: middle ## Voice production .center[
] .credit[Credits: Joe Wolfe,, more info at] --- class: middle ## Vocal folds and pitch - The vibration of the vocal folds defines the **pitch** of the speech signal (i.e. its fundamental frequency). - Variations of pitch along time define the melody of the voice.
Average pitch (Hz)
Pitch range (Hz)
100 - 130
90 - 270
150 - 300
120 - 360
350 - 400
200 - 600
--- class: middle ## Pitch and mechanisms .center[
] .credit[Credits: Joe Wolfe,, more info at] --- class: middle ## Vocal tract and formants - The three elementary sound sources are **modified by the vocal tract**, before propagating out of the phonatory system, through the mouth and nose openings. - The vocal tract actually corresponds to an **acoustic filtering** of the source signal. - The cavities in the vocal tract give rise to **resonances**, that are called the **formants**. - By **modifying the shape** of the vocal tract, we change the acoustic filter and the associated resonances. - We can **change the formants independently of the pitch**, or in signal processing terms, we can change the filter independently of the source --- class: middle ## Resonances and formants .center[
] .credit[Credits: Joe Wolfe,, more info at] --- class: middle ## Distinctive articulatory features of vowels .grid[ .kol-1-2[ - **Opening** of the mouth - Opened vowel [a] in “hat" - Closed vowel [i] in “meet” - **“Frontness”** of the tongue - Front vowel [i] in “meet” - Back vowel [u] in “boot” - **Rounding** of the lips - Rounded vowel [ɔ] in “not” - Not rounded vowel [i] in “meet” - **Nasalization**: sound comes out of the mouth only, or out of the mouth and nose. - Nasal vowel [ɑ̃] in “pente” in French - Oral vowel [a] in “hat” ] .kol-1-2[ .vspace[ ] .width-100[![](images/distinctive_articulatory_features.png)] .credit[Vowel chart with audio:] ] ] --- class: middle .grid[ .kol-1-2[ ## Vowels and formants We can distinguish between vowels using the **position of the first formants** - high/low F1 ↔ opened/closed - high/low F2 ↔ front/back - high/low F3 ↔ not rounded/rounded lips .alert-g[By moving articulators, the shape of the vocal tract varies, formants move in frequency, and vowels change.] ] .kol-1-2[ .right.width-90[![](images/vowel_triangle.png)] ] ] .credit[Image credit: L.R. Rabiner and R.W. Shafer, “Digital Processing of Speech Signals”, Prentice-Hall, 1978] --- class: middle ## Vowels clustering in the formants space .grid[ .kol-1-2[ .vspace[ ] .left.width-100[![](images/table_F1_F2.png)] .caption[male speakers] ] .kol-1-2[ .right.width-90[![](images/F1vsF2.png)] .caption[male and children speakers] ] ] .credit[Image credit: L.R. Rabiner and R.W. Shafer, “Digital Processing of Speech Signals”, Prentice-Hall, 1978] --- class: middle ## Consonants .grid[ .kol-1-2[ **Fricatives** - fricative noise source - voiced [v, z, j] or unvoiced [**?**, **?**, **?**] - locally stationary **Plosives** - plosive noise source - voiced [**?**, **?**, **?**] or unvoiced [p, t, k] - highly non-stationary ] .kol-1-2[ **Nasal** - voiced - sound comes mostly from the nose - examples: [m, n] **Liquids** - voiced - the vocal tract changes rapidly, especially using the tongue - examples: [l, r] ] ] .credit[Consonant chart with audio:] --- class: middle count: false ## Consonants .grid[ .kol-1-2[ **Fricatives** - fricative noise source - voiced [v, z, j] or unvoiced [f, s, ch] - locally stationary **Plosives** - plosive noise source - voiced [b, d, g] or unvoiced [p, t, k] - highly non-stationary ] .kol-1-2[ **Nasal** - voiced - sound comes mostly from the nose - examples: [m, n] **Liquids** - voiced - the vocal tract changes rapidly, especially using the tongue - examples: [l, r] ] ] .credit[Consonant chart with audio:] --- class: middle, center .center.question[Go to [](] --- class: middle ## Prosody - **Prosody is on top of the flow of phonemes**. - Prosodic variables: - **pitch** (fundamental frequency) - **speech rate** (number of speech units, e.g. phonemes, per second) - **loudness** (intensity) - **timbre** (spectral characteristics such as amplitude of harmonics) - Different combinations of these variables are exploited for intonation and accentuation. - Prosody may reflect various features of the speaker or the utterance: - the identity of the speaker - the emotional state of the speaker - the form of the utterance (statement, question, or command) - the presence of irony or sarcasm - emphasis --- class: middle, center # Spectrum/spectrogram reading --- class: middle ## The spectral envelope .center.width-90[![](images/u_simon.png)] - Black curve: power spectrum (in dB) of the recording of a vowel, computed with the DFT. - Blue curve: **spectral envelope** showing the formant resonances, computed with linear predictive coding (will be discussed in the lab session). -- .center.question[ Male or female speaker? ] --- class: middle .grid[ .kol-2-3[ .center.width-100[![](images/aeiou_indiv_spec_mix.svg)] ] .kol-1-3[ .width-100[![](images/triangle_french.png)] ] ] .center.question[Go to []( and find the vowel that corresponds to each spectrum, using the above French vocal triangle.] --- class: middle ## Spectrogram reading - "aeiou" We could have done the same from a spectrogram representation. .grid[ .kol-2-3[ .width-100[![](images/aeiou_simon.png)] ] .kol-1-3[ .width-100[![](images/triangle_french.png)]
] ] --- class: middle ## Spectrogram reading - "assa - azza" .center.width-60[![](images/assa_azza_annot.png)] .center[
] --- class: middle ## Spectrogram reading - "atta - adda" .center.width-60[![](images/atta_adda_annot.png)] .center[
] --- class: middle, center .center.width-80[![](images/mystery_spec.png)] With a bit of practice you could be able to decode this mystery spectrogram. 1 bonus point if you decode the message 😉. --- class: middle, center ## Further reading Introduction to voice acoustics by Joe Wolfe, Emeritus Professor at the University of New South Wales (Syndney, Australia): --- class: middle, center # Lab session .center.width-80[![](images/source_filter.png)] .alert-g[Analysis, transformation and synthesis of speech signals with the .bold[source-filter model] and .bold[linear predictive coding]] --- class: middle, center # Solution to the wooclap --- class: middle, center .center.width-100[![](images/aeiou_indiv_spec_mix_solution.svg)]